Whenever you receive a car insurance quote from a company, make sure you compare it with other quotes, given by other companies that offer the same features. But, to make sure you take the right decision, here are a few advices that will help you make the process simpler. The first thing you must do before deciding on other insurance policies, is to check what your current auto insurance policy offers you. Take into consideration everything it has to offer, including limits to bodily injury, property, under insured or uninsured motorists, the deductibles that it offers and if you're ready to pay for towing your car. Or, if you have coverage just for collision or if it's comprehensive. After you take note of all those features, find out which ones you will probably need in the future and change what you don't need. A good example is taking out the comprehensive coverage if the car being insured is an old one, with very low value. You can save a few hundred dollars by choosing collision coverage only. The second part would be to find good information on the cars you own and the people that drive them. Some of the information you will need includes: 1. The SSN (Social Security Number) and the driver license of each driver that will use the car 2. The model, make and year of the cars to be insured. 3. The mileage that it gets daily and if you use it for pleasure or business. 4. What safety features it has, like alarms, ABS, air bags, etc. Try to get more than three car insurance online quotes, from a number of different sources, because rates can be different from one company to another. Use some paper to note all the online quotes that you receive, accompanied by comments on each company that you write down. Something that should be kept in mind when you make your choice is to pick a company that has financial stability, great customer service and a fast claims service. When you find that one car insurance online quote that looks best to you, keep it under observation for some time, to make sure it's the right one for you. If you're talking to a representative or an agent, ask plenty of questions, to save as much money as possible on your insurance policy. Another good tip is checking for an online customer service at the company that you want to pick.